Friday 2 September 2022

In The Crystal Moon

"Hunters of the Sky Cave."

The scene inside the Crystal Moon provides considerable scope for film-makers:

"...nonhumans of various races listened to the music." (II, p. 157)

We could be shown a mixture of familiar and unfamiliar races.

"A performer from Lulluan spread heaven-blue feathers..." (ibid.)

That is all that we are told and the only mention of Lulluan in the Technic History.

But the Crystal Moon itself, an artificial satellite, should be shown exactly as described:

transparent walls;

synthetic jewels, each weighing several tons, orbiting the central minaret in an artificial gravity field;

mutant ferns and orchids rippling rhythmically around a large sphere of water in a zero gravity conservatory;

tropical fish and naked human guests swimming in the water;

Aycharaych in a black cloak and Flandry in fiery garments flying across the conservatory.

(Arthur C. Clarke described such a swimming pool in an early work.)

1 comment:

Jim Baerg said...

"...nonhumans of various races listened to the music."
To what extent would one species appreciate the music of another?
Humans enjoy most birdsong, but perhaps some sounds would be regarded as pleasant by one species & unpleasant by another.