Tuesday 6 September 2022

In Garth

"Hunters of the Sky Cave," X.

Garth is a human city on a terrestroid planet so most of it should be recognizable to us.

The city has:

high-peaked roofs;
storm drains;
half-timbered houses with shutters;
a transmitter tower for a robotic weather-monitor station;
stretches of open paving;
a hurricane cellar in every house;
a tunnel dug between houses by the resistance;
public thoroughfares;
Ardazhiro on foot or unicycle;
aurora in the night sky;
harp trees and a metal space-rocket-shaped fountain in Explorers' Plaza;
a quarter million human population;
a garrison of a few hundred Ardazhiro with heavy weapons, robotanks and repeating cannon.

Tasks of the Garrison
To staff nearby observation stations and anti-spacecraft defences.
To collect firearms.
To direct factory production for the Ardazhiro army.
To detect and suppress resistance.

Towns, like Marsburg, where uprisings succeed are missiled.

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