Monday 19 September 2022

A Tale Of Two Books


Browsing in the Old Pier Bookshop, I found Volumes III and IV of the omnibus collections of A.Bertram Chandler's Grimes/Rim World series. Having been told previously that Grimes had once met Poul Anderson's Dominic Flandry, I searched these two volumes for any reference to Flandry but in vain. Returning home, I googled and established that the two characters meet in Chandler's The Dark Dimensions which will now be sought for on Amazon. I understand that Chandler's presentation of Flandry might be unsatisfactory but nevertheless want to see for myself.

Nicholas van Rijn, Jetman Rhysling and a Lensman visit Anderson's inter-universal inn, the Old Phoenix. Thus, a Grimes-Flandry encounter will be a further instance of inter-universal discourse although we might conclude that Grimes meets an alternative Flandry.

Grimes/Rim World is the kind of series that I would automatically have read if I had had access to it at an earlier age. That is how I got into van Rijn, Fladry etc. However, I will require a lot of persuading that Grimes warrants further attention after reading this single novel. But this will be his opportunity to attract one reader's attention.


S.M. Stirling said...

I've read the Flandry-Grimes story; I wouldn't call it a close match to Poul's take on the character, but that is an alternate-history(ies) romp, so it may be an alternative version! said...


Sean M. Brooks said...

kaor, paul and mr. stirling!

i read chandler's THE DARK DIMENSIONS years ago, and i found his version of flandry very disappointing and UN flandry.

typing still slow and difficult.
