Saturday 17 September 2022

In The Fatima Caravanserai

A Stone In HeavenIV.

In Archopolis, Banner stays in a hotel called the Fatima Caravanserai.

In her room:

there is a viewer wall but it can be blanked;

there is not a computer terminal but an infotrieve (the novel was published in 1979);

the infotrieve informs her that she can key for a succession of natural scenes and historic monuments on the wall;

she also keys for pipa music;

she orders a drink that is delivered by conveyor;

the phone has a screen.

Other than that, it is a normal room.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I thought of that "infotrieve" simply as what future centuries called our computer terminals.

Ad astra! Sean