Tuesday 27 September 2022

Continuity And Novelty


A future history series combines continuity with novelty. A human being, a Wodenite convert to a Terrestrial religion and a second nonhuman being: this description fits two teams in Poul Anderson's Technic History. Further, the second nonhuman being in the second team is a Tigery, a member of a species that has meanwhile become familiar to us. Indeed, he, Targovy, is the son of Dragoika who had appeared in Ensign Flandry. Reading there about Flandry and Dragoika, we little suspected that his daughter and her son would form a team decades later. Yet there is also much that is genuinely new in The Game Of Empire: the Patrician System, the Zacharians and the disaffection of the Magnussons which, we now learn, had paralleled earlier events. Poul Anderson designs a convincing future history by skilfully combining continuity with novelty and the series could have been continued indefinitely on this basis.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I've also wondered how old Targovy was in THE GAME OF EMPIRE. Since he was the youngest child of Dragoika, my guest is that he was between 30 and 40 Terran years old.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

The Zacharians basically had a self-esteem problem... far too much of it.

Not an uncommon failing!

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

Ummmm, I offered some wild speculations about Anderson's Zacharians and your Draka in my article "Was the Domination Inspired by Merseia?"

Ad astra! Sean