Friday 30 September 2022

Not Like Men

The Game Of Empire.

In what ways does Targovi the Tigery differ from a human being? Longer legs, clawed feet, short tail, four-fingered hands, a single breathing slit, carnivore teeth, chemosensor tendrils, movable ears, black and orange striped fur, wearing only a breechclout, belt and artificial oxygill, with a purring, hissing, growling or screeching voice. He can stalk like a cat, crawling flat on the ground, inaudible and almost invisible, remaining motionless, sensing every clue or hint. Thus, a faint shudder in the ground confirms his suspicion of an underground tunnel between a spaceport and an alleged defence facility. A running start, speed and claws enable him to scale a wall that would be impossible for a human being. Female Tigeries are dominant possibly because their bodies maintain a higher blood supply - to feed the blood directly to their young.

How do Merseians differ - apart from being green, scaled and tailed etc? Although Brechdan Ironrede states that most Merseians actively and instinctually enjoy combat, they also learn patience and dissimulation in pursuit of long-term goals. Thus, a disciplined Merseian will, if ordered to do so, retreat and flee, confident that his apparent defeat furthers the aims of the Race. Further, Dennitzan citizens of Merseian descent show no signs of enjoying combat as such so maybe Brechdan's statement is more culturally specific than he thinks.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Tigeries also differ from humans in that they tend to be less interested in seeking out answers to ultimate questions.

Ad astra! Sean