Wednesday 5 June 2024

The Saga Pivotal Volume

Rise Of The Terran Empire is a pivotal volume because it begins with the Polesotechnic League and ends with the Terran Empire. Also, the four short stories between these two novels cover the transitional periods of the colonization of Avalon and the emergence and early expansion of the Empire. Everything else concerning the League is collected in the two preceding volumes. Everything else concerning the Empire is in four succeeding volumes. Completeness compels us to add that there are three pre-League stories at the beginning of Volume I and four post-Imperial stories at the end of Volume VII. Thus, a massive future history series which, despite its schematic structure, was not pre-planned but grew organically.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The Technic series grew organically because it was also so accidental, two different series linked together from Anderson's impulsive mention of "Polesotechnarch van Rijn" in THE PLAGUE OF MASTERS.

Ad astra! Sean