Sunday 16 June 2024

Sparling's Realization

Fire Time, XVI.

This chapter concludes with a typical Andersonian moment of realization. Ian and Rhoda Sparling are embracing:

"A thought went though him like an electric shock. She sensed it in his body. 'What is the matter?' she asked timidly.

"'Nothing, nothing.' He spoke with his voice alone; his mind was elsewhere. 'I just got a notion...'" (p. 171)

Sure he did. We will just have to wait. 

I have to go out. It is Sunday and Fathers' Day.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

One of the many things I should remember is watching to see if other writers also have their characters getting such Andersonian moments of realization or insight.

Ad astra! Sean