Saturday 15 June 2024

Wars In Future Histories

Wars are still on the Earth's surface or in its atmosphere in future histories by Wells, Stapledon and Heinlein. There is an attempted military coup by some Space Patrol officers on the Moon in Heinlein's Future History. Anderson's Psychotechnic History begins in the aftermath of World War III. In Niven's Known Space future history series, the Man-Kzin Wars, or Wars Against Men, are franchised to other authors, including Anderson, Pournelle and Stirling. In Pournelle's CoDominium future history, mankind exports militarism and imperialism beyond the Solar System. In Blish's Cities In Flight, the war against Vega occurs between volumes. Anderson's Technic History includes good military sf but presents it as one part of the history of the future, not as a major theme in its own right.

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1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

In a universe containing flawed and imperfect beings like mankind (and other races, I strongly suspect!) wars are an inevitable consequence of what happens when disputes failed to be settled by non-violent means.

More exactly, the imperialism seen in Pournelle's Co-Domninium timeline occurred because the First Empire arose as a means of putting a stop to the chaos attending and following the collapse of the Co-Dominium. And the Second Empire took form to end the Secession Wars.

Ad astra! Sean