Wednesday 12 June 2024

Sectors Pacis And Alpha Crucis

Continuing from the end of the preceding post, Avalon is about eighty light-years from Ythri and joins the Domain of Ythri which stretches across about 80 light-years as against the Terran Empire's 400. Imperial Sector Pacis, centred on the star, Pax, and its colonized planet, Esperance, is close to the Domain and the Empire attacks the Domain from there.

Also close to the Domain is Imperial Sector Alpha Crucis, centred on the star, Virgil, and its colonized planet, Aeneas. Ythri is about 100 light-years from Aeneas toward Beta Centauri. Alpha and Beta Crucis are close enough to Aeneas to cast shadows on its surface at night. I think that someone looking at the Aenean night sky sees the stars of the Empire and beyond them those of the Merseian Roidhunate but am having trouble finding that passage. Part of the reading experience is remembering but sometimes uncertainly.

Addendum: To be more precise, Sector Alpha Crucis is governed from the city of Catawrayannis on the planet Llynathawr and Sector Navy HQ is on the planet Ifri in another system but the McCormac Rebellion of the Sector against the Empire is led by the Firstman of Ilion on Aeneas. (As complicated as real life.)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

You beat me to saying Sector Alpha Crucis was centered on the planets Catawrayannis and Ifri for civil and military affairs. Also, a major reason why the Empire expanded to include this region was to gain control of the priceless industrial planet Satan.

Ad astra! Sean