Saturday 29 June 2024

This Corner Of The Galaxy

"Margin of Profit." (here)

Consider the precise wording of this sentence:

"This tiny, outlying corner of the galaxy which Technic civilization has slightly explored is that big and various." (p.149)

Then consider a slight revision:

"The tiny, outlying corner of the galaxy which Technic civilization had slightly explored was that big and various."

In Poul Anderson's wording, the narrator places himself in this volume of space and at this time when it has been explored. The revised wording would relegate him to the role of the omniscient narrator who is not located at any place and time. Later in the Technic History, mankind will occupy a vaster spatial volume but our present narrator is not aware of that.

The text of the story does not identify its narrator. However, Hloch's Earth Book Introduction to this story informs us that he is A.A. Craig, author of Tales Of The Great Frontier. Later, when introducing a second story by Craig, Hloch informs us that that author had travelled widely gathering material for historical narratives during a pause in the Troubles, thus after the League but before the Empire.

The Earth Book Of Stormgate immensely enriches the Technic History.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

If we go by my revision of Miesel's Technic Chronology, I would date A.A. Craig as writing around AD 2650.

Ad astra! Sean