Sunday 30 June 2024

Minted Gold

It is Sunday morning and a convoy of cars will travel to nearby Preston for political reasons - General Election this coming Thursday - so there will probably be no more blogging here until this evening at the earliest. Before cooking a substantial breakfast, I have read more about Nicholas van Rijn and want to quote a passage but find that I have already done so nearly ten years ago here.

As a contrast from sf, I am enjoying Camino Ghosts by John Grisham and as yet its genre is ambiguous. There is always more to read or reread. But next on the agenda is breakfast. Have a good Sunday. Attend a place of worship or meditate in private.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I usually think of Grisham as the man who writes lawyer novels. Maybe he's branching out?

Ad astra! Sean said...


He deffo is. The three (so far) CAMINO novels turn from lawyers to writers, also literary agents, publishers and booksellers, although, in this new book, lawyers make a comeback because an author is writing about the history of an island while the ownership of that island is being legally contested. Excellent Grisham material.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Good, because I thought the focus on law in the Grisham books I read made for an interesting of pace.

Anderson has one of the characters discussing the practical functions of the law in THE DEVI'S GAME.

Ad astra! Sean