Tuesday 11 June 2024

Galactography Summary

Summing up so far:

a trade route between Earth and Sector Antares

Suleiman and Babur beyond Antares

Per Stenvik's apprenticeship in the Hercules region

Nuevo Mexico beyond Arcturus

Cain out Pegasus way

Freya in an uncharted region of this galactic arm

other planets in unspecified regions

Small details add up to a bigger picture. Someone with astronomical knowledge will be able to tell us where some of these planets are in relation to Earth and to each other. It should be possible to add to the list. In fact, "Wings of Victory" informs us that Ythri is beyond Alpha and Beta Crucis in the constellation of Lupus but I have only just started to look beyond the van Rijn stories and will now definitely stop for tonight! Good night.

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