Saturday 1 June 2024

Larreka By The River

Fire Time, III.

"The breeze into which they beat was pleasant after the morning's sultriness. Larreka heard his mane rustle. He drank the sweet wild odors of Earthside growth with an appreciation learned through a hundred years. The grimness of his present mission didn't lessen that. A soldier shouldn't let worry spoil whatever bonuses life tossed his way." (p. 27)

Larreka feels the breeze, hears his mane and smells Terrestrial plants: three senses. 

Ishtarians are long-lived, especially since their years are slightly longer than Earth's.

Although this cannot be explicitated every time, never forget that Larreka is a quadruped who can walk, trot and gallop. As with an Ythrian in flight, his locomotion is freer and farther ranging than that of a wingless biped.

Although a soldier, he does not let either his profession or the current difficult campaign spoil his appreciation of sensory experience and life. We might learn by following the further exploits of Larreka.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

That's not so unusual. Over and over I've seen mention of how soldiers learn to take whatever relaxation or pleasures as happens to come their way. It could be as simple as learning how to sleep at any time or enjoying the rowdiest kinds of amusements.

Ad astr! Sean