Saturday 1 June 2024

Another Summary


Here is another back cover blurb that accurately summarizes the plot of Poul Anderson's Fire Time. Jill Conway is mentioned by name again so we gather that she is significant. Indeed, she is a life long resident of Ishtar and the sister of Donald Conway who met Captain Yuri Dejerine on the Moon in Chapter II

So far, chapters alternate between Ishtarian and human viewpoints although I have not looked ahead to confirm whether this continues and indeed must now do something other than linger over this blog any longer!

Back here later today, probably.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Now I'm wondering if Larreka was more than simply commander of the Legions of the Gathering? Was he also its chairbeing or CEO?

Ad astra! Sean said...


Larreka is one of thirty-three legionary commandants. He has been with the Zera Victrix for two centuries. (III, p. 29)


Jim Baerg said...

Would centauroids *have* chairbeings? ;) said...

Yes. They might adopt some human terminology!

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul and Jim!

Paul: Got it, Larreka was commander of a single legion, not commander in chief of all the Legions.

Jim: Oops, your right, centauroids couldn't have chairs as we mean that word. But, as Paul suggested, Ishtarians might have adopted some human terms.

Ad astra! Sean