Friday 5 April 2019

In Space And On Mars

Poul Anderson, "The Moonrakers," see here.

"Half a minute passed while the beam flew on its way and the answer returned. Sadler floated, listening to a thin hiss that was the background talking of the stars." (p. 136)

We have heard this before (see here) although it was absent from inter-clan space (see here).

Next comes a description of another future city. Syrtis, the biggest, busiest, oldest Martian city, and also the capital, has miles of gleaming skyscrapers set in green acres fading into the equatorial farmlands that stretch out to the red deserts although the city center buildings, which were raised by the pioneers, have only a few stories of thick grey stone and "...flat roofs where flittercraft park." (p. 136) An atmosphere project has generated oxygen and water that are eroding the Martian rocks. Thus, buildings no longer have to keep the atmosphere out.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

"Syrtis" was the oldest and largest of the Martian cities in "The Moonrakers"? It makes me wonder what name Elon Musk and his colleagues will pick for the Mars settlement they hope to found in a few years. Such a colony, IF it is actually founded, will very likely become the core of the first real world Martian city. Perhaps "Burroughs", after Edgar Rice Burroughs, author of the Barsoom stories? Or a name taken from one of those novels?


Anonymous said...

Urban spraw- IN SPACE.
IMSM, Zacharia from "The Gasme of Empire" sounded a lot lie suburban Santa Clara County.
Here's a terraformed Mars:

OFF TOPIC: Do you know this guy?
He has a link to this site.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Keith!

I never thought of comparing the island of Zacharia, on the planet Daedalus, to any location in California. It would be more plausible to compare Zacharia to the rest of Daedalus.

No, I've never heard of Alan J. Chick before you mentioned him. But I did drop to skim thru his remarks about Anderson's Technic Civilization stories.

Sean said...

No. Didn't know about Alan Chick.