Sunday 21 April 2019

The Future Commander

Kinds of Futurities
(i) Prince Charles is the "future King" because he is the Heir to the Throne.

(ii) King Arthur is "REXQUE FUTURUS" because he is a myth.

(iii) Sometimes a Member of Parliament is described as "a future Prime Minister," then is never heard from again.

(iv) When something like (iii) is said in a novel, it is usually a sign that the author means that it will happen, e.g.:

"'...however the gods decree, still foresaw this outcome. Maybe you should be Commander.'
"'Oh, no. Not I. It was the fat Eart'ska who predicted this - in detail.'
"Trolwen laughed, 'Perhaps, then, he should command.'
"'Perhaps,' said Tolk, very thoughtfully, 'he will.'"
-The Man Who Counts, VIII, p. 391.

We become used to how our central character is referred to in his absence:

"'Where's Freeman van Rijn?'"
"'...the fat Eart'ska...'"


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And when Prince Charles succeeds his mother Elizabeth II, he will be the oldest crown prince in British history to succeed his father or mother.

And I strongly suspect Old Nick could have made himself the king of any planet he wished, human or non-human, if that had ever been his desire.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if Charles will be King, or will he abdicate in favor of William? Also, I suspect that one of them will (sooner or later) be King of England, Wales, and (possibly) Scotland, but no longer King of the United Kingdom of GB & NI.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Keith!

I have never seen any indication of the Prince of Wales wishing to step aside in favor of his elder son. I think Charles wants to become king, even if in his old age.

As for Northern Ireland, I'm not sure. After all, Eire has renounced her claims to the Six Counties. And quite wisely, IMO. Because Eire would then have to grapple with irredentists demanding the return of the Six Counties to the UK. And, possibly more importantly, I don't think Eire has the ECONOMY needed for supporting the kind of expensive, tax paid "social welfare" the UK has. And the drastic cutbacks in welfare Eire would have no choice but to impose would also stimulate discontent in Northern Ireland.

Eire is better off not saddling herself with the heavy millstone of the Six Counties.


Anonymous said...

Indeed, but HRH may be encouraged to abdicate or ascend, in favor of William (qv "King Charles III"). Re :Ulster- I think you're right.. I've heard it discussed on the Brexit thread I mentioned that Eire is pretty happy with status quo, as a sort of slow-moving "union in all but name". Of course, there is also mention that Brexit might create problems...
On another matter, I have also read that Eire's rapid transition to a very prosperous society (HDI: 8th in the world, above Canada and the US) "the Celtic Tiger" was due to large infusions of EU money. I do not know....


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Keith!

While I have seen speculations that the now elderly Prince Charles might resign his right to succeed in favor of William, I don't think that will happen. British sovereigns are not in the habit of abdicating!

I'm not so sure about Eire being a "Celtic Tiger." I think you are overlooking the severe slump Eire suffered. While the Eire economy might be recovering, I don't think it's in any shape for paying the expenses of the Six Counties. I still think many in Dublin secretly prefer the Six Counties to remain British.

Sean said...

The Republic was a "Celtic Tiger" a while back but that period came and went. They built a good road network when they were able to.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Exactly! I don't think Eire is in any condition to both take over the Six Counties AND maintain an expensive UK style "social welfare" system.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Keith!

Btw, Emperor Heisei of Japan DOES plan to abdicate in favor of his elder son on April 30. The reasons given being the Emperor's advanced age and failing health (he will be 85 or 86 this year). Emperor Heisei will be referred to after his abdication as the "Emperor Emeritus."

Sean said...

I am 70 and hope to keep going to 110+ although, of course, like the Emperor, I will probably be overtaken by failing health before then.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

As will happen to most of us, alas, should we manage to stagger past the Biblical three score and ten! Most of us will NOT be as robust as Elizabeth II, now aged 93, still is. And I hope you do manage to make it to age 110, which was about as long as the antisenescence of Technic medical science enabled people to remain healthy.

Sean said...

My mother died bed-ridden at 93.

Anonymous said...

May we all live long and prosper.

-kh said...

I want to live long in conditions conducive to contemplation and (inner/spiritual) liberation. Prosperity is a welcome extra.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul and Keith!

Paul: and I hope your mother was health for most of those years.

Kaith: ditto! And what Paul said, for people like him.
