Sunday 21 April 2019

New Versions Of Familiar Phrases

I worked with a guy who was well on his way to becoming a factory sage with a one-liner for everything.

Economic policy: "Get the country on its feet."

Theory of human nature: "Man is a violent thing."

Morality of the arms trade: "If other people want to be mad, that's their problem."

Theory of education: "You can't lead a donkey to water if he doesn't want to drink."

Philosophy of life: "I'm past thinking about life. It's just there."

The theory of education is an alternative version of "You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink."

Poul Anderson presents a few alternative versions of familiar phrases. See Parodying Shakespeare.

Van Rijn:

"'...what is sauce for the stews is sauce for the pander....'" ("Margin of Profit," p. 168)
"'...the foot is in the other shoe.'" (op. cit., p. 170)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I used to take riding lessons and there WERE times when the horse I rode did not want to drink water offered to it.
