Sunday 28 April 2019

Torres And Torrance

Rafael Torres and Bahadur Torrance have these things in common:

similar surnames;
each is a spaceship captain;
each is a Lodgemaster in the Federated Brotherhood of Spacemen;
each works for Nicholas van Rijn;
each faces danger from pirates in space with van Rijn;
each is the viewpoint character in his conversations with van Rijn.

Strong connections. "We band of brothers..."

Torrance, like Chunderban Desai, is from Ramanujan.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And both of these men had to eventually correct their mistaken impressions of Nicholas van Rijn. People keep UNDERESTIMATING Old Nick, thinking him just fat, uncouth, uncultured old coot!


Anonymous said...

...and I mixed up Bahudur Torrance and gave him "Torres's" last name!
"Torrance" is a Scottish and Irish name, which makes our good captain a bit more unusual in background than when I thought him to be a "Torres". P A does give us a number of characters with rather mixed names: His Grace, the Duke of Mars Tetsuo Niccolini, Imperial Naval NCO(?) Muhammad Snell, etc....

Speaking of names:

A SF fan-fic writer with the same kname as our hero:


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Keith!

When I think of how MIXED the peoples of Earth had become by the time of the Mirkheim crisis and then the Empire, I don't think it was that surprising to find people with unusual names. The Duke of Mars surname, "Niccolini," has an Italian "feel" to it, so he might have been partly of Italian descent.

And Muhammad Snell was working for MERSEIA. In fact, he was one of those humans born and raised within the Roidhunate. I suggested elsewhere he might have come from a planet colonized by humans which had been incorporated withing the expanding Roidhunate.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Sean. A few years ago here in San Francisco, my wife and I walked by a dance hall where the ballroom dancers appeared to be elderly Japnese Americans and Italian Americans...

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Keith!

And hat does not surprise me! (Smiles)
