Sunday 14 April 2019

4D + OBE

A straight line is bounded by two points, a square by four straight lines, a cube by six squares and a tesseract or hypercube by eight cubes.

There is a philosophical and fictional tradition of time as a fourth dimension, e.g., in fiction:

The Time Machine by HG Wells;
The Corridors Of Time by Poul Anderson;
The Quincunx Of Time by James Blish;
Snowbrother by SM Stirling.

There are many attestations of out-of-the-body experiences (OBEs). Susan Blackmore, having experienced OBEs, theorized that an OBE is an altered state of consciousness (ASC) in which bodily sensations are disregarded and the environment is vividly imagined as if seen from a point outside the body.

I mention all this because Snowbrother combines an OBE with a perception of time as a distance.

I have finished reading James Crossley's Cults, Martyrs And Good Samaritans and am struggling with William Dexter's Children Of The Void. The next moves for the blog are to continue reading Snowbrother and also to continue the search for Nicholas van Rijn although we might find that we already know him as well as Anderson's narratives allow.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

We see an ingenious of geometry by Poul Anderson in "The Three Cornered Wheel."

I'm dubious about the reality of many reports of OBEs, but I think SOME narratives of such events might be literally true. Some Catholic saints, like Padre Pio, are said to have done things like bilocation or have had practiced telepathy.
