Wednesday 24 April 2019

Comparisons: Anderson, Dexter

William Dexter's Eighth (and Last) Men turn out to resemble not demons but angels. They are a bit like Anderson's Danellians since they reach into their past to guide earlier Men. One of the Third Men writes:

"Now, we have reason for our confidence in the future and for our reliance on the words that purported to come to us through the dim corridors of Time."
-William Dexter, Children Of The Void (New York, 1966), XXI, p. 149.

Apparently, that phrase, "the corridors of time," has a life outside of that other Anderson time travel title where its meaning is literal.

I have finished rereading Dexter's diptych - the angelic apparition was his punch-line - and am drawn back towards the Saturnine orbit of van Rijn but first I want to check a particular historical quotation in Time Patrol.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I too immediately thought of Anderson's THE CORRIDORS OF TIME when I read the bit you quoted from Dexter about "...the dim corridors of time." Very nice, I thought!
