Monday 29 April 2019

The Writing Of The Technic History II

1961 "Hiding Place"; "A Message In The Secret"; "The Plague Of Masters"
1963 "Territory"; The Night Face
1966 "The Three-Cornered Wheel"; "A Sun Invisible"; Ensign Flandry
1967 "Day of Burning"; "Starfog"; "Outpost of Empire"
1968 "A Tragedy of Errors"; Satan's World; "The Sharing of Flesh"
1969 The Rebel Worlds

(I count years, like everything else, from 1 to 10, not from 0 to 9. Thus, the first decade of the twentieth century was 1901-1910, not 1900-1909. However, "the 1960s" means "1960-1969." Thus, "the 1970s" start with 1970, not with 1971.)

1970 "Esau"; A Circus Of Hells
1971 "The Trouble Twisters"; "The Master Key"; "A Little Knowledge"
1972 "Wings of Victory"
1973 "The Problem of Pain"; The People Of The Wind; "Wingless"; "Rescue on Avalon"; "Lodestar"; The Day Of Their Return; "The Season of Forgiveness"
1974 "How To Be Ethnic In One Easy Lesson"; A Knight Of Ghosts And Shadows
1977 Mirkheim
1979 A Stone In Heaven

The Ythrians come together in 1972-'73.

1981 "The Saturn Game"
1985 The Game Of Empire

The 1980s present the earliest story in the Technic History and the last work in the Flandry period.     


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And of course we know Anderson revised some of the Technic stories to make them fit better into the series (such as "Margin of Profit). Or enlarged others--such as "The White King's War" (GALAXY, Oct. 1969), which became A CIRCUS OF HELLS.


Anonymous said...

Do we have any insight as to why PA decided to wrap up Technic History and proceed in new directions? Did he find it hard to hold onto a universe of FTL and abundant intelligent life?

-kh said...

PA wrote an article for a special SFWA Bulletin on future histories. He thought that the Technic History had made its point in terms of social commentary. Also, it was increasingly difficult to keep a new story consistent with all the background. And there were other kinds of sf that he wanted to write.

Anonymous said...

Much appreciated, Paul! I wished (if he didn't want to continue) he licensed/permitted other established writers to take over...


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Keith!

Ditto, what Paul said. ALSO, in a private letter to me, Anderson wrote that he wanted to try out new ideas and themes for post Technic stories. Think THE BOAT OF A MILLION YEARS, the HARVEST OF STARS series, STARFARERS, etc.
