Thursday, 9 August 2018

Sea Levels And The Senses

Poul Anderson, The Winter Of The World, maps, pp. 6-7.

OK. Kilimariach and Orenstane are where Japan is but with a lower sea level.

"...the stone showed mellow through greenery, the air held a scent of jasmine, and somewhere in the stillness a mockingbird trilled." (V, p. 56)

Three senses in one sentence.

Thus, the usual vivid descriptions in another changed world. Meanwhile, our sea levels rise.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

No, no, Killimaraich is the kingdom dominating the eastern half of the joined islands of Australia and New Guineau in THE WINTER OF THE WORLD. The western half is described as being small states tributary to Killimaraich.

As for sea levels, rising or falling, I consider that a natural phenomenon, and one I don't believe we know anything nearly enough about to justify trying to "fix" it.

Sean said...

OK. Thanks. I was not at all sure of that map.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Even tho lower or higher sea levels will change the sizes and outlines of the islands continents, it wasn't changed that much in THE WINTER OF THE WORLD. I still recognized our Australia, North and South America, etc.
