Saturday 11 August 2018

Other Reading

In the evening, when I should come off the computer, I read something other than Poul Anderson so that I will not be tempted to go back on the computer to publish a further post although I sometimes find comparisons to make the following day. Having nearly finished a third rereading of Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy, I will shortly begin a first reading of Leon Trotsky's My Life because of combox discussion here.

It will be interesting to read real history in parallel with fictional history. Any futuristic sf assumes an entire history after ours even though the author is unable to present as many concrete details as in a past history. HG Wells and Olaf Stapledon each wrote a future historical text book. Stapledon recounted Martian invasions of Earth in the same way that historians of the past recount the Norman Conquest of England. It would be possible to write such a text book based on Anderson's History of Technic Civilization. The Earth Book Of Stormgate is a history of one part of Technic Civilization. There could also be biographies of van Rijn, Falkayn, Argos, Flandry and others.

Reading a historical autobiography might inspire some reflections on individual characters' contributions to one or other of Anderson's fictional histories. But, in any case, it will be worth reading.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I was interested to know you plan to soon read Trotsky's memoirs, MY LIFE. It reminded me of how Robert K. Massie had quoted Trotsky's distastefully callous and smug comments about the massacre of the Russian royal family from TROTSKY'S DIARY IN EXILE, 1935, in his own book.

I have read some autobiographies myself, but not that many. Examples being the memoirs of U.S. Grant, William T. Sherman, the Hsuan-tung Emperor of China (altho that last has to be read with caution, because of being edited and published under Maoist auspices).

Of course we are both aware of that overflowing loose leaf binder of notes, lists, charts, etc., compiled by Poul Anderson for his Technic Civilization stories. I'm sure it included biographical accounts of many of the characters in the series, including the ones you listed. I hope some parts of it will be thought "finished" enough to be published. The notes for Nicholas van Rijn and Dominic Flandry SHOULD be esp. detailed!
