Thursday, 1 February 2018

A Third Pictorial Panorama

Bad though some of The Technic Civilization Saga covers are, these first three are good and it is helpful to have them gathered together in a single image. They are presented in the order: Vol II, Vol I; Vol III. Restoring the correct order, they show:

Vol I, van Rijn and colleagues ship-wrecked on Diomedes;

Vol II, David Falkayn;

Vol III, Ythrians in flight on Avalon.

Poul Anderson's texts convey that the sight of Ythrians in flight is glorious.

1 comment: said...

Kaor, Paul!

I would have liked to have seen a fatter Nicholas van Rijn. And with those long greasy ringlets of hair we see mentioned so often! (Smiles)
