Saturday 17 February 2018

"Free As A Bird" II

Human beings cannot fly with wings but can be free. Freedom is like a blank page on which an author can write anything. Free beings can do anything - anything within their capabilities but those capabilities are enhanced by technology.

Christopher/Arinnian thinks that the colonists of Avalon wanted to escape from the old way of life whereas Tabitha/Hrill replies:

"'I've read Falkayn's writings. He and his followers wanted not one thing except unmolested elbow room.'"
-Poul Anderson, The People Of The Wind IN Anderson, Rise Of The Terran Empire (Riverdale, NY, 2011), pp. 437-662 AT Chapter VI, p. 501.

In other words, they wanted nothing more than the freedom that I argued here is abundant on Avalon.

For the conversation between Chris and Tabitha, see:

Livewell Street
More On Livewell Street
Planha And Anglic

1 comment: said...

Kaor, Paul!

And people who, like Christopher Holm, flirt with ideas of a "purer" society, come dangerously close to being on the path leading to them becoming fanatical ideologues, grimly and ruthlessly using force to impose their visions on all the rest of us. Tabitha Falkayn was far more balanced and sensible than "Arinnian" was in Chapter VI of THE PEOPLE OF THE WIND.
