Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Machu Picchu


"The Year of the Ransom," 15 April 1610, pp. 655-667; pp. 719-722.

Machu Picchu, occupied from 1420 to 1532 but then abandoned, is a perfect hideout for time criminals. In 1610, the Exaltationists use force fields for roofs and doorways. Their timecycles arrive and depart on a platform attached high on a wall. Magical apparitions frighten the Indians and keep them away. The stories die out but the city remains shunned.

When Time Patrol agents, alerted to the Exaltationists' presence, observe Machu Picchu from space, they see the arrival of the prisoners, Castelar and Tanaquil/Tamberly and must time their own attack for immediately after the prisoners' escape. Thus, the Exaltationists remain safe in Machu Picchu until that later moment.

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