Wednesday 31 August 2022

Aircars And Monotheism

We can pause a prose narrative at any point for as long as we want. Thus, Dominic Flandry, Kossara Vymezal and hundreds of ychani travel to Zorkagrad in a fleet of battered flying cars. Before disembarking from their crowded car, Flandra and Kossara discuss the fact that they are going into danger together. See here. Thus, this single passage in A Knight Of Ghosts And Shadows, XVII, pp. 550-551, has generated two blog posts and now this one. These are two points that I had not thought to discuss on previous readings of the novel: the logistics of aircars and an aspect of the monotheist interpretation of experience. Returning to the latter point, if any conscious being does operate on a hypercosmic scale, then He or She is way beyond anything that we can possibly imagine. However, as long as we are exercising our imaginations, I prefer Vishnu to the Old Testament deity.

1 comment:

S.M. Stirling said...

I'd go for Odin, myself.