Wednesday 17 August 2022

Tom Mix And Joshua

Daggers In Darkness.

1922(b) has:

"...dime-store illustrated Westerns and Hollywood horse operas like The Taming of Texas Pete, with Tom Mix subduing bandidos." (p. 59)

Born in 1949, I remember the name, but only the name, of Tom Mix from Western comics in the 1950s. I liked cowboys, men with guns on horses, but preferred sf, men in spacesuits, and did not like footballers. What determines such likes and preferences? Little did 1950s comics readers suspect that Dominic Flandry began in 1951 and Nicholas van Rijn in 1956.

Tom Mix began his film career in 1909. Manse Everard learned roping from Will Rogers in 1910. I remember Roy Rogers but not Will Rogers.

A picture of Parisians killed by V-gas reminds Luz of Joshua:

"And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city..." (p. 61) (Joshua 6:21)

The tradition of, sometimes highly appropriate, Biblical quotations continues.

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