Saturday 27 August 2022



A Knight Of Ghosts And Shadows, XII.

"Esperance was near the border of Empire and Domain." (p. 501)

Indeed. Some Esperancians protested when the Terran attack on the Domain of Ythri was launched from their planetary system. The Technic History holds together in space and time.


"'Masks within masks, shadows that cast shadows.... Merseian operatives posing as Esperancians posing as Dennitzans whose comrades had formerly posed as Avalonians, while other Merseian creatures are in fact the Terran personnel they claim to be.... Yes, I'll bet my chance of a peaceful death that Aycharaych is the engineer of the whole diablerie.'" (p. 503)

Esperancians are human.
Dennitzans are human or zmayi/ychani (Merseian by species). 
Avalonians are human or Ythrian.
The Merseian operatives and "creatures" are human.
Aycharaych is Chereionite.

Merseian operatives obviously pose as human Dennitzans, Avalonians or Terran personnel. Will human beings interact like this with other intelligent species in future?

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