Friday 17 June 2022

Wind And A Realization

The Shield Of Time, PART FOUR, 13,211 B. C., IX.

Corwin calls through the door of Tamberly's shelter that he bears bad news:

"'I think you'd best step outside. I'll wait.' And the wind sounded." (p. 235)

Wind underlines bad news. It does more:

"When she emerged, the wind cut at her." (ibid.)

- as the news will. Corwin is accompanied by Red Wolf who tells her that he has killed her friend, Aryuk, and why he did it. Refusing consolation from Corwin, Tamberly retires to her shelter, grieves and decides that she needs a long walk but must not be seen to stalk off so she will depart on her timecycle:

"Okay, I'll hop elsewhere as well as elsewhen, way away to the seashore or out on the steppe or -
"She gasped." (p. 258)

The gasp is an Andersonian moment of realization. Aryuk is dead but, on a timecycle, Tamberly can still visit him... 

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I'm rereading "The Sorrow of Odin the Goth," and Carl Farness was FORCEFULLY warned by Dr. Mendoza, the physician from the 24th century he brought to attempt saving Jorith's life in AD 302, of the UNWISDOM of continuing to see Jorith again in the past, while she was still alive.

Ad astra! Sean