Saturday 11 June 2022

Compensation Versus Indeterminacy

In the previous post, I quoted Ralph Corwin repeating what had been said in "Time Patrol" about "compensations." However, earlier in the conversation between Corwin and Wanda Tamberly, she had reflected:

"Beneath reality lies ultimate quantum indeterminacy. On the level of observable happenings it manifests itself as chaos in the physics sense of the word, the fact that often immeasurably small forces bring illimitably large consequences." (p. 163)

Radical changes can happen often or only at certain critical points? SM Stirling commented earlier that there is a difference of perspective on this issue between earlier and later Time Patrol instalments. The two perspectives come together in this chapter.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The first story in this series, "Time Patrol," was pub. in 1954, and THE SHIELD OF TIME in 1990. What we see here are Anderson's efforts at making sense for how time traveling might or could work as the years passed.

Ad astra! Sean