Thursday 9 June 2022

Seven Genders

Poul Anderson, The Shield Of Time, PART FOUR, BERINGIA , 13,212 B. C., I, pp. 139-149.

PART THREE contrasted its Oligocene setting with the future technology of the Time Patrol Academy. That contrast continues. In 13,212 BC, Wanda Tamberly's shelter encloses her timecycle, computer and other equipment.

In the Tula language:

"...the genders were seven, four pertaining to certain plants, weather phenomena, the heavenly bodies, and the dead." (p. 143)

So people change gender when they die? I have never heard of more than three linguistic genders. However, CS Lewis informs us that the presiding spirits of the planets, Mercury, Venus and Mars, represent:

"...those two of the Seven Genders which bear a certain analogy to the biological sexes..."
-CS Lewis, That Hideous Strength IN Lewis, The Cosmic Trilogy (London, 1990), pp. 349-753 AT CHAPTER 15, p. 690.

So maybe the Tulat are in contact with the eldila? No, but we can imagine. They must inhabit different timelines because their two Solar Systems are incompatible. However, both authors wrote multiple timelines fiction. The Friends of Narnia, the Company of Logres and the Time Patrol might meet somewhere or somewhen in the vast scheme of things. 

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

No, more simply, the Tula were simply not reasoning rightly. There are only two sexes for our ind of life, male and female. Albeit Anderson imagined in some of his stories how some non human races needed a third sex to complete reproduction.

Ad astra! Sean