Wednesday 22 June 2022

Where Else?

Should we be discussing war in Ukraine or strikes in Britain instead of the Time Patrol lodge in 18,244 BC?

"And meanwhile, except that 'meanwhile' is meaningless, Wanda's caught in yonder alien future. She must be. Else why hasn't she come back to me? Where else would she flee to, if she was able?"

Or maybe she travelled forward into the twentieth century of the Danellian timeline in which case she has been deleted with it? Everard should also consider that possibility unless he knows more than he is telling us about how timelines work.

Shortly, I will visit Andrea and, on Friday, I will have lunch with Nygel whom we have not mentioned for a while. Posting happens in the gaps.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I can read about the war between Ukraine and Russia and the anger and frustration we see in the US caused by the bungling incompetence of "Josip" and his puppet masters in plenty of other places. So there's no shame in focusing on the works of Anderson in this blog. Esp. since so much of what he says is relevant to our problems.

I hope Adrea is better, and have a good lunch with Nygel on Friday.

Ad astra! Sean said...


Thanks. Andrea was well enough and hospitable as ever.
