Saturday 25 June 2022

Everard And Montalbano

We are watching Montalbano which is set in Sicily and mentions Palermo. Thus, I am free to imagine Manson Everard and Salvo Montalbano on the same island in different centuries and in different media. Notionally, all the history recounted in Poul Anderson's The Shield Of Time happened long before the events of Montalbano's career. Notionally also, the Time Patrol exists in Montalbano's time although he never has occasion to cross paths with it. It is difficult to conceptualize such series as coexisting and usually we have no reason to do so. Nevertheless, the possibility remains of a narrative or drama linking very dissimilar fictional characters without compromising the integrities of their distinctive series. Indeed, Everard does coexist with Sherlock Holmes so we are half way there already.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And we see Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in the Old Phoenix inn at the very end of A MIDSUMMER TEMPEST.

Ad astra! Sean