Monday 13 June 2022

Perspectives II

You know that feeling when you have published a post and you realize that you have left out something that you meant to include? See Perspectives.

Engineering Studies Co. is another of those Time Patrol fronts. During Manse Everard's interview at Engineering Studies, Mr. Gordon asks him to grasp some knobs on the arm of his chair. Then:

Gordon: do you react to physical danger?

Everard: Say, now -

Gordon: Communism? Fascism? Women? Your personal ambitions?...That's all. You don't have to answer.

Everard: What the devil is this, anyway?

Gordon: A bit of psychological testing. Forget it. I've no interest in your opinions except as they reflect basic emotional orientation.

This dialogue is quoted verbatim from Poul Anderson, "Time Patrol" IN Anderson, Time Patrol (Riverdale, NY, 2010), pp. 1-53 AT 1, pp. 2-3 although I have recast it in dramatic form.

Gordon does not care what Everard thinks about communism, fascism or women? Sure. The Patrol has a different perspective on history. Everard's class is recruited from the period, 1850-2000, so that will cover a broad range of views and value-systems - which will be nothing when set against the million years guarded by the Patrol.


S.M. Stirling said...

If we were dealing with people from the 12th century, we wouldn't really be concerned with the details of their view of the Investiture controversy, the plight of the Holy Sepulchre, and the merits of the Capetian dynasty's claim to the throne of France.

It's important to keep in mind that the century or so we occupy isn't more important than any other just because we happen to be alive in it.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

Actually, the Investiture Controversy is still relevant. China, for example, is trying to control the selecting and consecrating of Catholic bishops. So the point under dispute in the Investiture controversy, freedom of the Church from control by the state, is still relevant.

And I do agree with your last sentence.

Ad astra! Sean