Wednesday 22 June 2022

Where Or When And What

There is a template that covers a lot of sf. Someone arrives somewhere or when, then has to cope with whatever they find there or then:

Cavor and Bedford arrive on the Moon and have to cope with Selenities;

the Time Traveller arrives in 802,701 AD and has to cope with Morlocks and Eloi;

Enterprise crew members beam down to the surface of a terrestroid planet and must cope with a strange new civilization;

Wanda Tamberly of the Time Patrol appears at the intended longitude and latitude at what should be a particular local time and date in 1989 AD and sees Nob Hill, Russian Hill and Twin Peaks but without any buildings or television tower...

Of these, Wanda's arrival point is by far the strangest - an astonishing mixture of the familiar and the unexpected.


S.M. Stirling said...

Could be worse. She could get to the 1989 but see the city described under construction in 1922 in DAGGERS IN DARKNESS, in which one of the Twin Peaks has a 1200-foot-tall tower covered in cut-crystal gems and allegorical statuary. said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling! Amusing, but that too would stun and dismay wanda! Or the magnificently changed Vienna Wanda saw in an alternate, futuristic Austria-Hungary, in your "A Slip In Time." Ad astra! Sean