Wednesday 8 June 2022

The Ingredients Of An Interlude

The Shield Of Time, PART THREE.

To summarize ingredients:

the Oligocene landscape;
the Academy buildings and gardens;
Tu Sequeira from Mars in the Solar Commonwealth;
his intention to penetrate sites like Peenemunde, White Sands and Tyuratam;
Faculty Lodge;
discussion of disturbances to the continuum.

What's not to like? 

This brief "Part" is a mere interlude. Tamberly's Patrol career begins in PART FOUR. Does it confirm Guion's suspicion that important events happen around her? Might the Patrol develop an ability to anticipate changes to reality?

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I think, more simply, some experienced Patrol agents and investigators, like Guion, develop a kind of sixth sense for how certain persons may become more crucial than others.

Ad astra! Sean