Thursday 11 March 2021



The Roidhun of Merseia is elected from Vach Urdiolch;
this Vach is landless by law;
thus, they are impartial servants of the Race;
(like a priest being celibate);
their homes are leasehold;
they have no wealth from ancient dues;
instead, they win wealth offplanet;
thus, they are in the forefront of Racial outwardness;
Ydwyr's four-armed, six-legged nurse had served since his grandfather's cubhood;
she practiced magic from the Ebon Moutains of her home planet;
her influence turned Ydwyr to xenology and to scientific mysticism;
he has studied under Aycharaych in his castle at Raal on Chereion;
Ydwyr is the Roidhun's nephew.
This is the only mention anywhere in the Technic History of a castle at Raal. Of necessity, Dominic Flandry will visit Chereion not to discover but to destroy.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The closest real world example from our history comparable to the Vach Urdiolch I can think of was the Jewish priestly tribe of Levi. In theory the Aaronic priests and the Levites were not supposed to own land, their support was to come from the tithes and emoluments given them by the other Jews. To enable them to focus solely on their religious and priestly duties.

And that four armed, six legged nurse of Ydwyr obviously came from a long lived species!

And it was that Aycharaych acceepted a few Merseians as his disciples. Despite me thinking that was risky, because one of those disciples might have discovered the actual truth about Chereion.

Ad astra! Sean