Tuesday 16 March 2021

Flandry's Religious Manipulation Of The Ruadrath


At Seething Springs/Ktha-g-klek/Wirrda's, Domrath use Ruadrath buildings and tools and leave abundant offerings and ceremonial objects. Consequently, Wirrda's pack is proud to be gods to the Domrath.

Seething Springs = English.
Ktha-g-klek = Domrath.
Wirrda's = Ruadrath, but with an English possessive ending.

We are not told either the Eriau or the Anglic equivalent of "Seething Springs." These two languages are rendered in our texts as American English.

Flandry is an expert manipulator, as we see in "Tiger by the Tail." The skyswimmers/Merseians are more powerful than the Ruadrath, who are gods to the Domrath, yet these skyswimmers have concealed from the Ruadrath that there is war in heaven. Gods do not like to be duped about such matters! The Ruadrath can be induced in their turn to deceive Ydwyr.

Regarding Flandry and Bond:

Flandry was published before Bond, both in the early 1950s. We see Flandry's office at HQ in "Hunters of the Sky Cave" and Bond's, described in more detail, in Moonraker. Fleming tells us about the world in the 1950s - the past is a different country - but the Flandry series is set in the future. However, it has not dated like some sf. Anderson does not project the 1950s a thousand years into the future. Read both.

(Bond resembles Napoleon Solo on that cover.)


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I've actually gotten a new copy of Fleming's MOONRAKER this past weekend, and started reading it (altho I'm still focusing on Avi Loeb's EXTRATERRESTRIAL). And I've seen 007's office, which he shared with two other double 0 agents.

So far, I've reread CASINO ROYALE, LIVE AND LET DIE, and started rereading MOONRAKER. I have to admit I'm getting a better opinion of James Bond as I go along, while believing Dominic Flandry to be superior to 007. And I've also been rereading the Bond stories as interesting period pieces showing us how people lived and thought in the 1950's. I think it was the ghastly Bond movies, esp. the later ones, which made me so disdainful of 007.

And we have discussed before the desirability of movies being made based on some of the stories about Old Nick and Dominic Flandry. As long as they were faithfully based on the actual stories!

Ad astra! Sean

paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...


I lent Nygel the Bond books in order. He had never read them and knew of Bond only through the films - a different Bond. Fleming was a very good writer.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaork, Paul!

I thought CASINO ROYALE to show signs of being a fledgling writer's first book, one in which Fleming was learning how to write novels. Iow, a bit rough here and there. But I'm not seeing that in LIVE AND LET DIE and MOONRAKER, because Fleming had gotten experience in writing by then.

Ad astra! Sean