Monday 15 March 2021

Physical Features Of The Ruadrath


The Ruadrath spend a third of their lives underwater so their furred bodies are otter-like while their heads are sea-lion-like. They have no nose because breath goes through the gills. Their eyes, like those of Ythrians, have nictitating membranes. Webbed feet are fins underwater in summer and snowshoes on land in winter. 

Apart from this, the Ruadrath have:

two large, golden eyes;
two closable ears;
two arms;
two hands, each with four clawed digits;
two legs;
a long, strong tail, like the Merseians.

Thus, despite their curious life-cycle, the Ruadrath are basically humanoid.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Were the Ruadrath hunanoid looking in some ways? Yes, but I don't think that was necessarily an implausibility. They would need at least two legs for mobility. AND it would make sense for evolution to free up two forelimbs to become two arms with hands for grasping and manipulation. Ditto for a head which could be raised and had a concentration of senses near the brain for quicker information processing.

At least I would not be surprised if that general outline was actually the case with many intelligent species in our real universe on many planets.

Ad astra! Sean said...


I know that that is the argument for anthropoid aliens. I hope that we get an answer soon.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Myk expectation is that there are both anthropoid and non-anthropoid aliens. Ranging from people as human looking as the Scothanians to species as weird as the multiply headed Ymirites!

Ad astra! Sean