Friday 12 March 2021

Textual Diversity

Poul Anderson's works are nothing if not diverse. In recent posts about just one novel, A Circus Of Hells:

the offworld wealth of Vach Urdiolch and the xenological knowledge of the Roidhun's nephew;

the religious objects in Ydwyr's inner and outer rooms;

Djana's visions which recalled Hrolf Kraki's Saga and thus, indirectly, the Volkerwanderung;

the Domrath seasonal cycle;

Merseian physicists investigating a pulsar;

a long chain of Merseian intelligence work on Irumclaw;

Djana's kinship with other fictional heroines.

And we have hardly mentioned the hero, Dominic Flandry.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And more could be added to this list!

Ad astra! Sean