Tuesday 23 March 2021

Inter-Species Morality

We have been naturally selected to help other human beings either because they bear the same genes or because they might help us in return and we experience this motivation not as calculating self-interest but as moral obligation but should we feel such obligation towards non-human rational beings? I think that the answer is obviously yes but have had to argue with someone who thought that we should be prepared to exterminate other intelligent species if that was considered necessary to make space for humanity.

The Merseians of the Roidhunate think that the God favors the Race and Cerdic of Scotha thinks that he bears no obligations to any aliens because:

"'They are not of the Blood.'"

So they would agree with the guy that I had to argue with. In CS Lewis's Ransom Trilogy, Professor Weston thinks that mankind is entitled, indeed obliged, to displace other races. The same issue potentially arises in any multi-species sf, e.g., by Larry Niven or CJ Cherryh.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Of course the Golden Rule, in both its positive and negative forms, would apply as much to non humans as it does to mankind. I would absolutely disagree with the person you debated with if I was discussing this with him.

Ad astra! Sean

paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...


I agree with that "Of course..." although I found someone who didn't. The pragmatic argument, "They might help us in return...," still applies even if someone feels no moral obligation. Also, the universe will be richer, and we will be richer within it, if there is a multiplicity of intelligent species.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Again, I agree! And, in my "Crime and Punishment in the Terran Empire" article, I touched on how and interstellar society with thousands of intelligent races and a FTL drive, might handle the inevitable moments when things like crime between different species occurs.

I rather hope this gentleman you came across comes here espousing the views you summarized. I would try to draw him out and then propose arguments why I believe he is wrong.

Ad astra! Sean

paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...


I doubt he is aware of this blog, though.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Pity. If he came here, we might have some informative discussions.

Ad astra! Sean