Monday 2 April 2018

Targovi II

Imhotep and Daedalus are the two colonized planets in the Patrician System where every planet is named after a historical or legendary engineer:

Liang Ling-tsan
Katsuragi no Kami (?)

Imhotep held only a scientific base until two intelligent species, Tigeries and Seafolk, were settled there after their evacuation from Starkad in the Saxonian System a generation ago. Thus, the Pyramid, housing Imperial offices, and other new buildings have grown in the lifetime of Diana Crowfeather, daughter of a xenologist involved in the resettlement.

Sector Admiral Olaf Magnusson is based on Daedalus. Targovi, the son of a Tigery evacuee, has had an oxygill implanted so he does not need a helmet and pump to survive when visiting either the Imhotepan highlands or Daedalus. Targovi regularly travels in his spaceship, Moonjumper, from Imhotep to Daedalus where he trades from a van.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

At first I was puzzled by how Anderson listed Sennacherib, a fierce warrior king of Assyria, as an ENGINEER. But it made sense after I looked up an account of his building and engineering projects.

More exactly, the surviving Tigeries of Starkad were settled by the Empire in the lowlands of Imhotep, where the atmosphere was suitable for them. Targovi used the oxygill when he visited the highlands of Imhotep, where humans lived and could breathe the atmosphere (and similar terrestroid planets like Daedalus).

Altho not mentioned, regrettably, I'm assuming humans who needed to make long visits to the Tigery lowlands of Imhotep used similar gills to breathe the atmosphere without the inconvenience of a helmet and oxygen tank/pump.

Sean said...

I have reworded the post.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I noticed!
