Monday 23 April 2018

The Skycruiser

That is some skycruiser:

it can be transported in a spaceship;

it is stocked with expensive and substantial picnic food;

its passengers stroll on a glazed promenade deck while it cruises on antigrav beams;

in this, it resembles ERB's sky ships propelled by his psuedoscientific Barsoomian ray.

So why does such a high tech vessel crash? Someone in the crew of van Rijn's spaceship was bribed to place a bomb in the main generator of the skycruiser. The briber wants either van Rijn or his guest dead.

Van Rijn is the Solar Spice & Liquors Company which is big in the Polesotechnic League which is the great power in the known galaxy. Sandra Tamarin is heir to the throne of the Grand Duchy of Hermes.

Oppose some of their policies? Maybe. Try to assassinate them? No. But they are bound to have unscrupulous enemies.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree, it's one thing to oppose some of ideas and policies of leaders like Nicholas van Rijn and Sandra Tamarin. It goes TOO FAR and is quite a different matter if you try to assassinate them. But powerful persons are all too prone to having some unscrupulous enemies.
