Friday 20 April 2018

He And She

Continuing to explore the Cloud Universe is both physically dangerous and distressing to the Kirkasanters when they are in familiar space but cannot find their home planet. Laure should explain but, strained and tired, merely insists on another two weeks. Graydal should reply that she knows that he is well-intentioned but would like to know his reasons. However, her descent from hunters and soldiers makes her click heels and leave it at that. (pp. 773-774) (For full reference, see here.)

In this passage, the omniscient narrator tells us what he should have done, then what she should have done, and thus switches between narrative points of view. In any case, a comprehensible misunderstanding and miscommunication between individuals from different cultures.

Kirkasanters have duties to clan and country from birth but individuality and privacy are protected. Individuals in the civilizations served by the Commonalty have freedom within loose common-sense prohibitions but greed, selfishness and callousness are discouraged. The Commonalty is like the Automobile Association with individual members but planetary governments also buy its services.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Well, if every body in both life and fiction always behaved rationally and sensibly, we would sure miss having a lot of drama, to say the least. So it was realistic of Anderson to show characters behaving as did Daven and Graydal.
