Monday 30 April 2018

The Rest Of The Day


I will continue to reread "The Three-Cornered Wheel," probably start "A Sun Invisible" and take notes for blogging;

we will again drive to places like Silverdale Cove (see image) for marine garden materials;

I will attend meditaion group this evening.

Posting will continue tomorrow.

Read Poul Anderson.

Addendum: Meanwhile also read Introducing The Kabbalah and Borrowed Ideas.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I've recently finished rereading Gregg Press' collecting of Anderson's four post-Imperial stories: THE NIGHT FACE AND OTHER STORIES. Not sure which others of his works I should reread. Before THE NIGHT FACE it had been A CIRCUS OF HELLS, AGENT OF THE TERRAN EMPIRE (with the revised stories), and FLANDRY OF TERRA. Perhaps my copy of the original edition of AGENT?

I'm currently rereading S.M. Stirling's THE COUNCIL OF SHADOWS, the second of his three Shadowspawn books. As I've suggested to Stirling, these books would be science fiction for the paranoid!

I'm also reading, for the first time, Mark O'Connell's TO BE A MACHINE (2017), about people on the very fringes, or over them, of people calling themselves "transhumanists" trying to bring about, in actuality, some of the things Anderson speculated about in his late phase books. Such as cryonic, downloading human personalities into computer matrices, AIs, drastically extending life spans, etc. As you know, I'm very skeptical of most of these things, and I think Anderson was as well.
