Sunday 22 April 2018

Nike And Diomedes

Roan Tom and two of his wives are shipwrecked on the freak planet, Nike. Over a thousand years earlier, Nicholas van Rijn and two companions were shipwrecked on the freak planet, Diomedes. In both cases, survival, escape and how to turn a profit are problems to be solved.

We can dip in and out of the Technic History timeline. Is there a level of consciousness that can do that to our timeline, contemplating, e.g., first 2018, then 1066?

In The Van Rijn Method (Riverdale, NY, 2009), Hloch's Introduction to The Man Who Counts, about van Rijn on Diomedes, begins a third of the way down p. 337 and ends at the very top of p. 338 with just two lines of the Introduction followed by:

"-Hloch of the Stormgate Choth
"The Earth Book of Stormgate"

I find this unaesthetic. The entire Introduction with Hloch's sign-off could and should have been fitted onto a single page.

We might be reconsidering The Man Who Counts for a while.

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