Sunday 22 April 2018

Future History Building

Eric Wace's wide horizons on Diomedes generated a two-post digression on Poul Anderson and CS Lewis. The next task is to return to rereading The Man Who Counts but there will probably not be much progress tonight.

We appreciate the process of future history building:

the planet Hermes was mentioned in "Wings of Victory";

the Polesotechnic League was introduced in "How To Be Ethnic In One Easy Lesson";

Nicholas van Rijn of the League was introduced in "Margin of Profit";

David Falkayn from Hermes was introduced on the planet Ivanhoe in "The Three-Cornered Wheel";

Falkayn worked for van Rijn's company in "A Sun Invisible";

other League merchants work on another Ivanhoan continent in "The Season of Forgiveness";

van Rijn is with Sandra Tamarin from Hermes in The Man Who Counts -

- and a great deal more than this will happen but that is the stage of the History that we are at right now and probably where we, or at least I, will stay until some time tomorrow.

Tomorrow: an outing with my daughter and granddaughter during the day and meditation group in the evening. Blogging is part of life but finds its place between the other parts.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Have you ever read the essay Sandra Miesel wrote about THE MAN WHO COUNTS and which was included as the preface to Gregg's Press edition of that book? Also, one inspiration for Poul Anderson writing this book was Hal Clement's MISSION OF GRAVITY, for which he had only admiration.

Sean said...

Not read it.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Dang! I hope you have the Ace Books edition of THE NIGHT FACE, containing Miesel's essay/Afterword about that story.

Sean said...


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I'm sorry about that. Besides you, Sandra Miesel is the MAJOR commentator on the works of Poul Anderson in English. Let me list her essays:

AGAINST TIME'S ARROW: THE HIGH CRUSADE OF POUL ANDERSON, Borgo Press, 1978. This was Miesel's only major pub. commentary on Anderson's works.0

"Introduction," essay written for WAR OF THE WING-MEN, by Gregg Press
"Introduction," essay written for THE PEOPLE OF THE WIND, by Gregg Press
"Introduction," essay written for ENSIGN FLANDRY, for Gregg Press
"The Price of Buying Time," afterword written for A STONE IN HEAVEN (Ace Books, 1979)
"Afterword," commentary on THE NIGHT FACE, Ace Books, 1978

"Of Time and the Rover," afterword for THE GUARDIANS OF TIME (Tor, 1981)
"An Invitation to Elfland," afterword for FANTASY (Doherty/Pinnacle, 1981
"The Bear That Walks Like a Man," humorous afterword for HOKA (Tor, 1984

I think you have Miesel's essays for Anderson's Time Patrol stories and the Hoka tales co-authored by Anderson and Dickson.

Sean said...

I have.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I thought so! And I have wished more than once Misel had updated and expanded her monograph AGAINST TIME'S ARROW to cover the works Anderson wrote after 1978.
