Monday 23 April 2018

Something Else Terrifying

"Diomedes' period of rotation was only twelve and a half hours, and this latitude, thirty degrees north, was still on the winter side of equinox; so the sun was toppling seaward with dreadful speed."
-Poul Anderson, The Man Who Counts IN Anderson, The Van Rijn Method (Riverdale, NY, 2009), pp. 337-515 AT III, p. 354.

Nicholas van Rijn puffs, roars and stumps on-stage in Chapter III.

Add up the environmental factors:

horizon twice as far away as on Earth;
impossibly short days;
sun that looks as if it is falling out of the sky;
flying natives who can swoop down from several kilometers high;
poisonous native food;
immunization needed just to breathe the air or drink the water.

Human beings would feel small, exposed and threatened all the time.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I sure as heck KNOW I would feel small, threatened and exposed if I had been stranded on Diomedes! I simply don't think I would have been as indomitable as Nicholas van Rijn.

And those twelve hour days would be very disturbingly short! Albeit, Unan Besar also has short days. The difference, of course, being that U B was a human colonized planet.
